Not too long ago food scientists thought protein was very good for us. I even heard of one doctor’s vision of a world where protein is readily available as over-the-counter nutrition. Of course, he was talking about animal protein because that seemed to have the most abundant source and therefore the most cost-effective to process.
Our fascination with protein may have influenced, to some extent, the thinking of big Chinese milk producers into adding melamine to their products. Melamine, a highly toxic chemical which has been banned in the US, is known to artificially boost the protein level of milk and, therefore, the profits. That scandal had very dramatic effects against unethical business practices, and public opinion worldwide condemned the factory and their melamine and that was that. Today a study has come out to condemn the milk, too.
Forks Over Knives is a documentary about a study on the nutritional value of animal protein as well as its connection on the generative diseases of our time. This is an international corroborative study on the contribution of certain “foods” to the development of chronic human cancers and it seems to point out to our over-consumption of animal based proteins in our food. Succinctly, that dairy is only for the calves, definitely not for babies.
Watch Forks Over Knives Online is an eye-opener with highly credible findings and more than enough statistical data and evidence to boot, from honest and dedicated scientists just trying to lead us towards better nutrition and a better way of looking at food, because what we eat could eat us.