A father is a role model that his children will try to copy. He is a man with a sense of justice and righteousness. He is loving, respectful and fears God. He never makes things that will hurt his family members. There are instances that the father is not honest with his wife and he has another affair with other women. It is hurting to know that your father is also having other children with a woman that have hurt the feelings of your mother. There are cases that the children of the legal wife fight and doesn’t accept the children of the mistress. They might be connected with the same blood but the degree of hatred surpasses the degree of being a brother or a sister.
We never run out of people who cannot stick to only one. Lust is indeed a factor that can make you go crazy. We can never have the will power if the woman will make the first move. It might be true that love and attraction has also played its role but you know that it is forbidden. A love that is forbidden will never have its acceptance. You cannot just dumped your family and go with your mistress just because you wanted to. It was never been good ever since.
Love is mysterious but it does not apply when you know that you are married. As a father you must uphold respect and that is where other elements come in. In this new movie a father will have to choose from his family and his mistress days before Christmas, A movie of betrayal that will have its consequences. Watch Tuesdays, After Christmas Online. We all have the decisions that we want and it is in our decision that we are facing either bad or good things.