A movie with a bridges character supposed to be the famoust from the 1982 Tron and now It's a Multi-player Flash version of the classic game from Tron, Snafu, Snake, Blockade, etc. Drive around and cut people off with the wall you leave behind. The concept is simple, but it's fun and takes skill. I cannot wait to play it on the games to play others from around the world with some schematic of Tron. When I was a child, at 1983. Remember. At that year the C64 comes to the public, as personal computer. TRON made full of computer rendered graphics.
Even it looks an old version for the today "eyes", but at that time that was the king. I hope the new one will brings unique things too in the movie. Watch Tron legacy with amazing special effects using our technological knowledge, we can create in our imagination after we saw this movie even in the trailer it awesome the creator of this movie are what they dreamed about so many years ago. A fantastic sequel to what was for it’s times a movie on the cutting edge of the digital movement. I'm looking forward to going to seethis in the theaters. Most films do not make me want to watch them in the theaters, I wait for the DVD. But this looks very special indeed.